Welcome aboard, gentlemen. The world of “spicy” cruises—a euphemism for those adult-only, anything-goes voyages where swinging is the sport of the day and inhibitions get tossed overboard like yesterday’s buffet shrimp—is a curious one. The kind of stuff that makes your average cruise ship conga line look like a PTA meeting.
Our story takes place on one such floating den of debauchery. The main character? A cruise worker named Kookie, who found herself propositioned by none other than a famous adult film star during her maiden voyage into this steamy, uninhibited realm.
A Different Kind of Charter
First, let’s set the scene. Cruise ships are typically family-friendly floating cities, offering the kind of PG-rated escapism that keeps Grandma and the grandkids entertained. But when a ship gets chartered—privately rented for a niche purpose—it can transform into something entirely different. Enter the “swinger cruise.”
Kookie, a crew member for Royal Caribbean who doubles as a social media storyteller under the handle Cruising With Kay, had no idea what she was in for when she signed up to work her first-ever swinger charter. She shared her story with fellow cruise worker Lucy Southerton, peeling back the curtain on what really goes down when a ship is overtaken by the uninhibited.
“It was a lot of fun,” Kookie admitted. “The people were the nicest guests I’ve ever met, actually. But, you know, I’d find myself red in the face sometimes, not knowing where to look.”
When a Porn Star Comes Calling
That’s when things got interesting. One night, while tending bar—because yes, the crew got roped into bartending during this, ahem, special voyage—Kookie was approached by none other than a famous adult star. The kind of celebrity whose face (and more) you might recognize if you’ve spent too much time on certain corners of the internet.
“She actually invited me back to her cabin,” Kookie revealed. “I didn’t know her name at the time, but there was a crew staff guy who was like, ‘You got invited back by her?!’ He knew her name and everything.”
Now, let’s pause here. This is the part of the story where most of us are thinking: So, did you go? But Kookie was quick to shut down any fantasies of a Hollywood-esque plot twist.
“Of course, we’re not allowed to. We don’t want to get fired,” she said. “Just to set the record straight.”
According to Kookie, this particular adult star was “making the rounds” during the cruise, enjoying herself to the fullest and apparently taking her time to, well, get to know the staff.
The Rules of Engagement
Here’s where the cold, hard rules of the cruise industry come into play. While swinging guests can frolic freely in “red rooms” (themed spaces designed for the more adventurous among them), staff are strictly forbidden from getting involved. No midnight rendezvous. No cheeky nightcaps at the bar. Nothing.
This isn’t just an unspoken code of conduct—it’s company policy. For example, one prominent spicy cruise operator, Temptation, lays it all out: “Due to company policies, all staff members, original affiliates, brand representatives, and any person in a commercial relationship with the resort… are strictly forbidden to interact intimately or drink with guests.”
The punishment? Immediate dismissal and/or termination of your contract. Translation: You hook up, you pack up.

A Taste of the Forbidden
Still, one can’t help but marvel at the tension such rules create. In a world designed for temptation, where the champagne flows and the boundaries blur, staying professional must feel like navigating a storm at sea. Kookie, to her credit, kept her wits about her, proving she’s got a cool head under pressure—and maybe a stronger resolve than most of us.
Her takeaway? While the guests might have been the friendliest she’s ever served, the spicy cruise scene is not for the faint of heart. As for that famous porn star? Let’s just say she had no trouble finding someone to share her cabin with. Whether or not that someone was a bartender, as the rumor mill suggests, we may never know.
The Takeaway
For now, let’s raise a glass to Kookie—a professional to the core—and to the endlessly fascinating world of spicy cruises. It’s a reminder that while the high seas might promise adventure, not all treasures are meant to be taken. Stay curious, stay rogue, and keep it classy, gentlemen.
If nothing else, this story proves one thing: even in the wildest of settings, some lines are not meant to be crossed. But damn, it’s fun to imagine them.
Last modified: December 5, 2024